Error Code: 1025 Error on rename of '.\mydatabase\mytable' to '.\mydatabase\#sql2-xxxx-xx' (errno: 152)
This may not be an issue if the statement is executed manually, but it's troublesome if the statement is part of a larger script that runs in batch (without using the --force option).
Currently there is no way to check for "IF EXISTS" before dropping the foreign key. However, you could create a temporary procedure to achieve that:
/* Purpose: Drop foreign key if exists, without generating errors. * Usage : Set in the 'Modify - Begin/End' section below, then include this script into the real script. */ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS tmp_drop_foreign_key; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE tmp_drop_foreign_key(IN tableName VARCHAR(64), IN constraintName VARCHAR(64)) BEGIN IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name = tableName AND constraint_name = constraintName AND constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY') THEN SET @query = CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', tableName, ' DROP FOREIGN KEY ', constraintName, ';'); PREPARE stmt FROM @query; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END IF; END$$ DELIMITER ; /* ========= Modify - Begin. ========= */ CALL tmp_drop_foreign_key('table1', 'foreign_key_1'); -- Add CALL statements for any other tables and foreign keys here. /* ========= Modify - End. =========== */ DROP PROCEDURE tmp_drop_foreign_key;
To use it, simple change the 'Modify - Begin/End' section in the script, then include this script into your real script to be executed.
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