- Dumps each database into separate folder and script.
- Allows to set database(s) excluded from backup.
- Each script is compressed (7zip) and encrypted with a password.
- Keeps the last n copies of backups.
- Email alert on backup errors.
It requires the following tools:
Note: It can backup any networked MySQL databases (either Windows or Linux platforms), as long as the MySQL bin utilities can access them.
This script is easy to configure and highly customizable. You only need to change the values in the "Begin/End Settings" sections. Please refer the script header remarks for more information and other options.
How to use:
1. Create a batch file named as "weizh-mysql-backup.bat" with the following contents:
@ECHO OFF REM ===================================================================================== REM Copyright 2011 Weizh Chang REM REM This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify REM it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by REM the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or REM (at your option) any later version. REM REM This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, REM but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of REM MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the REM GNU General Public License for more details. REM REM You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License REM along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. REM ===================================================================================== REM ===================================================================================== REM Program : Weizh MySQL Backup Batch Script REM File : weizh-mysql-backup.bat REM Version : REM URL : simpcode.blogspot.com REM Description: REM REM Please change the settings in the Begin/End Settings sections below. REM REM This script requires: REM - MySQL bin utilities - mysql.exe and mysqldump.exe. REM - 7zip compression tool (www.7-zip.org). REM - blat emailer tool (www.blat.net). REM REM Features: REM - Dumps each database into separate folder and script. REM - Allows to set database(s) excluded from backup. REM - Each script is compressed (7zip) and encrypted with a password. REM - Keeps the last n copies of backups. REM - Email alert on backup errors. REM ===================================================================================== @ECHO ON REM ================ Begin MySQL Settings ==================== SET mySQLBinDir=C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\ SET host= SET uid=admin SET pwd=adminPassw0rd SET port=3306 SET backupDir=D:\MySQL_Backup\ SET backupPrefix=MySQL_3306_ SET backupCopy=3 REM ==== Set mysqldump switch (optional) SET sqldumpSwitch=--single-transaction REM ==== Set database excluded from backup (comma separated, without quotes and spaces) SET excludeDb=information_schema,performance_schema,test REM ==== Set the 7zip exe directory and password SET zipDir=C:\Program Files\7-Zip\ SET zipPwd=yourZipPassw0rd REM ================ End MySQL Settings ====================== REM ================ Begin Email Settings ==================== REM ==== Set all values to empty if not using email alert SET emailServer=mail.example.com SET emailPort=25 SET emailUid=admin@example.com SET emailPwd=adminPassw0rd SET sendFrom=admin@example.com SET sendTry=5 SET subject=MySQL Backup Alert REM ==== Set receiver email (comma separated, without quotes and spaces) SET sendTo=alex@example.com REM ==== Set the blat exe directory SET emailDir=C:\blat\ REM ================ End Email Settings ====================== REM ================ Begin Backup ============================ ECHO Performing backup... REM ==== Set date and time For /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a IN ('DATE /t') DO (SET mydate=%%c-%%a-%%b) SET mytime=%TIME:~0,8% SET mytime=%mytime: =0% REM ==== Set command variable SET doShowDb="%mySQLBinDir%mysql" -B -N -e "SHOW DATABASES" -h %host% -u %uid% -p%pwd% -P %port% SET doDump="%mySQLBinDir%mysqldump" %sqldumpSwitch% -h %host% -u %uid% -p%pwd% -P %port% SET doZip="%zipDir%7z.exe" a -t7z -mx9 -mhe -p%zipPwd% SET doZipTest="%zipDir%7z.exe" -r -p%zipPwd% t REM ==== Loop and backup each database SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET errorDbTemp= REM ==== Test the connection !doShowDb! IF !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( SET errorDbTemp=MySQL Connection Error GOTO EndLoop ) FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('"!doShowDb!"') DO ( SET exclude=0 SET errorFound=0 IF NOT "%excludeDb%"=="" ( FOR %%S IN (%excludeDb%) DO ( IF /I "%%S"=="%%G" SET exclude=1 ) ) IF !exclude!==0 ( REM ==== Set backup directory and file for this db IF NOT EXIST "%backupDir%%%G" MD "%backupDir%%%G" For /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a IN ('DATE /t') DO (SET backupDate=%%c-%%a-%%b) SET backupTime=!TIME:~0,8! SET backupTime=!backupTime: =0! SET backupFile=%backupDir%%%G\%backupPrefix%%%G_!backupDate:-=!_!backupTime::=! REM ==== Perform MySQLDump !doDump! --databases %%G > "!backupFile!.sql" IF !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 (SET errorFound=1) IF NOT EXIST "!backupFile!.sql" ( SET errorFound=1 ) ELSE ( REM ==== Zip then delete the sql file !doZip! "!backupFile!.7z" "!backupFile!.sql" IF !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 (SET errorFound=1) REM ==== Test the zip integrity !doZipTest! "!backupFile!.7z" IF !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 (SET errorFound=1) DEL /Q "!backupFile!.sql" ) IF !errorFound!==1 ( REM ==== If errors, clean up and append the db name to a temp variable IF EXIST "!backupFile!.*" DEL /Q "!backupFile!.*" SET errorDbTemp=!errorDbTemp!%%G; ) ELSE ( REM ==== Delete old zip copies, sort by file name descending IF EXIST "%backupDir%%%G\%backupPrefix%%%G_*.7z" ( SET zipCount=0 FOR /F "tokens=*" %%U in ('DIR /A:-D-H /O:-N /B "%backupDir%%%G\%backupPrefix%%%G_*.7z"') DO ( SET /A zipCount+=1 IF !zipCount! GTR %backupCopy% DEL /Q "%backupDir%%%G\%%U" ) ) ) ) ) :EndLoop ENDLOCAL & SET errorDb=%errorDbTemp% IF NOT "%errorDb%"=="" GOTO SendError GOTO Finish REM ================ End Backup ============================== REM ================ Begin Send Error Email Alert ============ :SendError IF "%emailServer%"=="" ( ECHO Backup error on %errorDb% GOTO Finish ) ECHO Sending error email alert REM ==== Set sendTo with surrounding quotes SET sendTo="%sendTo%" REM ==== Set email temp file SET tmpErrorFile="%~dp0mysql_backup_error-%RANDOM%.tmp" ( ECHO Dear Database Admin, ECHO. ECHO There were errors while performing the MySQL Backup on the following databases: ECHO. ECHO Date: %mydate% Time: %mytime% ECHO Host: %host% Port: %port% ECHO. ECHO ----------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO %errorDb% ECHO ----------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO. ECHO. ECHO Regards, ECHO MySQL Server Admin ) >%tmpErrorFile% REM ==== Send error email alert "%emailDir%blat.exe" %tmpErrorFile% -server %emailServer%:%emailPort% -f %emailUid% -u %emailUid% -pw %emailPwd% -from %sendFrom% -to %sendTo% -subject "%subject%" -try %sendTry% REM ==== Cleanup IF EXIST %tmpErrorFile% DEL /Q %tmpErrorFile% REM ================ End Send Error Email Alert ============== :Finish ECHO Backup process completed2. Set values in the Begin/End MySQL Settings and Begin/End Email Settings sections. Put this file into any folder you like.
3. You may use the Windows Task Scheduler to run this script routinely or at anytime you prefer.
If you find this post helpful, would you buy me a coffee?
Thanks a lot for this. Very useful.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. Glad it helps.